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You’re busily sharing vacation photos in an iCloud Photo Stream when somebody announces they don’t have an iPhone and can’t participate. What do you do?

当有人宣布他们没有iPhone并且无法参加时,您正在iCloud Photo Stream中忙于共享度假照片。 你是做什么?

Like just everything Apple, is both super simple to use when everyone is using Apple products and also propriety. That means your pals with Android phones and the like just aren’t going to tap into the full iCloud photo sharing experience. You can, somewhat, share the experience but you’ll end up with a situation like you do with iMessage—where , and it’s the difference between enjoying the iMessage group chat experience or getting left out.

就像苹果的所有产品一样,当每个人都在使用苹果产品时, 既超级简单易用又具有礼节性。 这意味着使用Android手机之类的朋友不会充分利用iCloud的完整照片共享体验。 您可以在某种程度上分享经验,但是最终会遇到像使用iMessage一样的情况- 这是享受iMessage群聊体验或被拒之门外的区别。

Thankfully there is a way to bring non-Apple users into the fold (sort of) by making a simple tweak to the settings of your shared iCloud album. Unfortunately, however, that solution isn’t without its shortcomings. What shortcomings, exactly? Well…

幸运的是,有一种方法可以通过对共享iCloud相册的设置进行简单的调整来吸引非Apple用户。 但是,不幸的是,该解决方案并非没有缺点。 到底有什么缺点? 好…

  • Non-Apple friends only can view the shared photos (in a clunkily-designed web-based viewer at that). They cannot add photos to shared albums, leave comments, or otherwise interact with the album like your friends with iPhones can.

    非Apple的朋友只能查看共享的照片(当时使用笨拙的基于Web的查看器)。 他们无法将照片添加到共享相册,发表评论或以其他方式与相册进行交互,就像您的iPhone朋友一样。
  • There is no user control when you share outside of Apple’s walled garden—Apple outsiders just get a URL to the aforementioned web-based viewer. Even though the URL is a long randomized string, there is no user validation. Anyone with the URL can look at all your shared photos.

    当您在Apple的围墙花园外共享时,没有用户控制-Apple局外人仅获得指向上述基于Web的查看器的URL。 即使URL是一个随机的长字符串,也没有用户验证。 知道网址的人都可以查看您共享的所有照片。
  • The randomized URL is permanently assigned to the specific album and you cannot regenerate it. This means if you turn the feature off because the URL is leaked to someone you don’t want to have access, you’ll need to delete the whole shared album (losing all the shared comments and contributions) and make a new shared album if you ever want to use the URL sharing feature again.

    随机URL已永久分配给特定专辑,您无法重新生成它。 这意味着,如果由于URL泄露给您不想访问的人而关闭了该功能,则您需要删除整个共享相册(丢失所有共享的评论和贡献),并在以下情况下创建新的共享相册您曾经想再次使用URL共享功能。

In other words, the iCloud photo sharing feature is good enough for simple use solutions—say, you want to send the URL to grandma back home so she can your family vacation photos—but not so great if you’re trying to create a true secure and shared collaborative experience between your friends.


With that in mind, let’s take a look at how to share an iCloud album with non-Apple users as a quick and dirty solution. We’ll then look at a better cross-platform solution if you want your friends to partake in the social and collaborative experience.

考虑到这一点,让我们看一下如何与非Apple用户共享iCloud相册,这是一种快速而又肮脏的解决方案。 如果您希望朋友参与社交和协作体验,我们将为您提供更好的跨平台解决方案。

向非Apple用户开放iCloud照片 (Open Up iCloud Photos to Non-Apple Users)

By default, iCloud Photo albums are not set up for sharing with non-Apple users. Not only do we need to make a little tweak to the album we want to share, we also need to notify our friends of where to find the album.

默认情况下,未将iCloud相册设置为与非Apple用户共享。 我们不仅需要对要共享的相册进行一些调整,还需要通知我们的朋友在哪里可以找到该相册。

To get started open up the “Photos” app on your iOS device. Tap the “Shared” cloud icon located on the bottom navigation bar.

要开始使用,请在您的iOS设备上打开“照片”应用。 点击底部导航栏上的“共享”云图标。

Select any of your shared albums. We’re using an album named “Pet Photos” that we already shared during . If you don’t have any shared albums yet, hit up that tutorial and share an album before proceeding.

选择您的任何共享相册。 我们正在使用一个名为“宠物照片”的相册,该相册已经在 。 如果您还没有共享的相册,请继续学习该教程并共享一个相册。

After you open the album, tap the “People” button at the bottom.


Here you’ll find all the settings for this specific shared album. At the top, you’ll see your Apple-product-using-friends because their Apple accounts are associated with the shared album. For everyone else, we need to turn on the “Public Website” option.

在这里,您会找到此特定共享相册的所有设置。 在顶部,您会看到您的Apple产品使用朋友,因为他们的Apple帐户与共享相册相关联。 对于其他所有人,我们需要打开“公共网站”选项。

Once you turn “Public Website” on, you’ll see a URL under the entry plus a “Share Link” option. All the shared album URLs look like this:

打开“公共网站”后,您会在该条目下看到一个URL以及“共享链接”选项。 所有共享相册的网址如下所示:

https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/[a long random alphanumeric string]/

We’ve blurred the string in this screenshot because, as we noted above, each URL is permanently associated with the shared album and doesn’t change unless you delete the album entirely and start over.


You can share this link from your iPhone anyway you want to—text it, email it, share it via an instant messaging platform, whatever. The recipient just has to visit the URL in a browser to view the photos.

您可以随时通过iPhone共享此链接,无论是发短信,发送电子邮件,还是通过即时消息平台共享它。 收件人只需在浏览器中访问URL即可查看照片。

They’ll see your photo album as a simple slideshow that includes the album name, the captions of your photos, and a link that allows them to download individual photos. As we noted above, non-Apple users cannot leave comments or upload photos which.

他们会将您的相册视为一个简单的幻灯片放映,其中包括相册名称,照片标题以及允许他们下载单张照片的链接。 如上所述,非Apple用户不能发表评论或上传照片。

使用第三方工具与非Apple朋友进行协作 (Using Third Party Tools to Collaborate with Non-Apple Friends)

If you want to set up a simple and free collaborative album between your iOS and Android—and even desktop—friends, we highly recommend you use Google Photos. It captures the same experience—shared albums, collaborative album building, shared comments, and more—in a way that is totally cross-platform. Google Photos even boasts an identical look and functionality across both iOS and Android. For help setting up a collaborative Google album, .

如果您想在iOS和Android(甚至台式机)朋友之间建立简单且免费的协作相册,我们强烈建议您使用Google相册。 它以完全跨平台的方式捕获相同的体验-共享相册,协作相册创建,共享评论等等。 Google相册甚至在iOS和Android上都具有相同的外观和功能。 要获取建立协作Google相册的帮助, 。

While the simple (and someone ugly) shared URL method might be fine for some dead simple file sharing with relatives who just want to view the photos and maybe download them to print off for the fridge, if you want to create an integrated experience for everyone we can’t recommend Google Photos as iCloud Photo Sharing alternative strongly enough.




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